Certifi AI

Detect AI manipulated Images and Videos

Offering an advanced AI-powered tool that identifies the authenticity of digital content, we strive to empower a safer digital space by safeguarding against deepfakes, non-consensual content and cyber harassment campaigns.

Deepfake image and video analysis

96-98% of deepfakes created are sexually explicit in nature

99% of those are depicting women

Our Mission

To provide a trusted detection tool that advocates for women and girls who are disproportionately impacted by AI manipulated images and videos.

Certifi AI aims to be at the forefront of ensuring trust, authenticity, and safety in the digital world. We're committed to providing reliable and comprehensive certification that enables users to navigate the vast online landscape with assurance while also, safeguarding against the detrimental effects of deepfake and cyber harassment campaigns.


Deepfake image of young woman. This person does not exist.

AI-generated deepfake image of a young woman.

*This person does not exist*

  • Certifi AI leverages image recognition APIs to detect when artificially modified content is being shared for malicious purposes across digital platforms.

  • Employing AI algorithms to analyze images and videos, detecting potential alterations, deepfakes, or manipulated content to ensure the integrity of visual information.

  • We assess the credibility and trustworthiness of content sources, including websites, social media accounts, and online platforms.

  • We’ve designed our application with strong, adaptive foundations to continuously improve our detection model through a growing database of deepfake content.

Benefits of using Certifi AI

It's so difficult to keep track of online activity, especially in cases of deepfakes and cyber harassment. We keep a documented log of all the reports, so you don't have to!


Certifi AI uses the power of AI for good, and we're just getting started. With growing concerns around digital safety, we are determined to provide protections and safeguards.

AI as your digital ally

Enabling users to understand and trust the certification outcomes through our detailed and transparent validation process.

Enhance safety and security

Meet our Founder

Founder, CEO of Certifi AI

Melissa Hutchins

Founder, CEO

Melissa is an experienced product leader with a proven track record in building highly technical products for Fortune 500 companies, specializing in API development and AI/ML capabilities. 

She left her corporate career in pursuit of providing a solution that actively protects victims of cyber abuse and spreading of mis/disinformation, an issue incredibly close to her heart. As a survivor of a severe cyber harassment and cyber stalking case, she has dedicated her efforts to implement safeguards on advancing AI, with the mission to detect, distinguish and verify the authenticity of digital content.